Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Is there life after Partition Magic?

Is there life after Partition Magic?

A key task, too often delayed into oblivion, is to partition the hard disk. The structuring of space in units promotes defense against malware attacks, while helping to control more easily readable, write and execute.

The first partition should be allocated to different units placed in the Windows system files and private papers. Thus, if for some reason we had to delete the operating system, our documents, pictures and videos would be safe in another drive.

The Windows installation disc want to create as many partitions after formatting, which can mean a great inconvenience. Added are several solutions to overcome the setback of the formatting. When Partition Magic trial version available had no doubts about the tool to use. Today we have to make do with programs that are loaded before Windows in a three and a half drive or CD.

Partition Logic

After downloading the ISO image and burn to a CD, we start the computer with the disk inside the unit to read CD or DVD. Previously we verify that the system BIOS is enabled to boot from the CD rather than from the hard disk.

Not find a program with a Windows-like interface, really comfortable to choose the size of the partitions and format type.

SwissKnife Compuapps

Create partitions on external drives, no hard disk, so the program works from Windows.

Ranish Partition Manager

This program has been the traditional alternative to Partition Magic. For anyone familiar with the BIOS menus seem very easy to handle. The interface looks the same.

As partition logic, it needs to load the program from an external drive before you start the operating system.

Another option is really convenient to use a liveCD with some version of Linux and run a partitioning program such QParted.

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