Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Create animated emoticons with Photoshop in 10 Steps

Create animated emoticons with Photoshop in 10 Steps

Create animated emoticons with Photoshop in 10 Steps

Thanks to emoticons, conversations in chat programs are more entertaining. They come in all shapes and colors, but there is always someone missing. Where is the you would use to express that they are knocking on the door as you raise an eyebrow and you have a coffee?

In such cases, better roll up your sleeves and make them yourself. Let's see then how to make a simple smiley with Adobe Photoshop. The process is quick and simple: if you take more than 15 minutes, or your money back!

1. New file in Photoshop

Create a new smiley in Photoshop starts like creating anything else: File> New . Here, all you need to consider is the maximum size for animated emoticons for Messenger, which is 50 x 50 pixels . Thus, it is best to do your animation to the resolution to prevent the image scale Messenger account (it would be much worse).

The other options are fine as they appear. If anything, you want to change the background color to Transparent .

2. Prepare your initial image

If you are an artist's pen or mouse, you can wear to work. In my case, I decided to build on an existing image: Softonic logo. I trimmed and adapted to fit in my new file of 50 x 50 pixels. It is also in a separate layer, and not as a background.

3. Create a layer for each frame

After that, you can start your creation. You must apply small changes to the original image, the best way is to duplicate the layer and change it.

4. Edit the layers that will frame

Now that you have two layers, you can edit. In my case, I will turn the logo into an agile juggler, so I changed the position of the ball "fat." Such modification is in a separate layer is that, remember, each frame must be a separate layer.

You can create as many layers (which are then frames) as you want, but keep in mind that the animated GIF can not be larger than 150kb: is another limitation of Windows Live Messenger.

5. Create the animation frames

Once the layers are ready, it's time to turn them into frames. For this you need the window animation ( Window> Animation ).

By default only include a frame. Click the button frame Duplicate current to create as many as you need.

6. Hide the layers needed

At this point, you have to determine what is seen in every frame. How? It's easy, each frame is able to remember the settings of layer visibility. That is, if Frame 1 layer just visible in Frame 2 you have seen others. This is how you will create the animation by changing the visible layers for each frame, so that the layers are presented has changed in the desired order. It is like flipping through pages very quickly.

7. Select the duration of each frame

Once you're through with the previous work, we recommend changing the frame duration . Basically, it's the time remaining on-screen image. You can choose the value you want, but remember to press the Play to check the result.

8. Writes for the Web

If you are satisfied with your animation, it's time to record it. Do not use the conventional Record menu, will not respect the animation. You have to use Save for Web in place.

The options require some prior knowledge to seize them with wisdom, so if not your case, stick to burn. It is advisable to select Transparency , as the smiley were better integrated into the window. Reduce the number of colors in the resulting file will be lighter (in case you have trouble losing the 150 kb max)

9. Create a new smiley Messenger

You are ready, now we have to put it in Messenger. Click the menu Tools> Emoticons and press Create .

10. Choose your shortcut

Look for the GIF file you created with Photoshop, as well as the keyboard shortcut that will call you. The name is completely unnecessary and is populated by itself with the file name: leave it as is.

Final result

Well, you probably will not win any awards for best design of smiley year, but at least it personal and I have not taken more than 15 minutes to create. Feel like making your own animated emoticons?

Via: Create animated emoticons with Photoshop in 10 Steps

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