Wednesday, May 4, 2011

"Tissue" production printable batteries

"Tissue" production printable batteries

German researchers have recently developed the world's first "printable" battery, which is as thin as paper, can be produced by screen printing.

Electronic Nano Systems Institute, Germany developed this "thin" battery weighs less than 1 gram, less than 1 mm thick. In addition to Slim, the battery compared to traditional battery also has a low manufacturing cost, no mercury, environmental pollution and other advantages. The battery voltage of 1.5 volts, through a few batteries in series for higher voltage.

The researchers said, the use of screen printing technology, they have been successfully implemented in the laboratory of the print production of this battery is expected to achieve mass production end of the year.

2009-08-04 mainstream material purchase and Reviews

8Months3Date(Monday): 1 # electrolytic nickel Jinchuan large panel raised ex-factory price of 4,000 yuan / ton to 135,000 yuan / ton, barrels small increase of 4,000 yuan / ton to 136,200 yuan / ton;

8Months4Date(Tuesday): 1 # electrolytic nickel Jinchuan large panel raised ex-factory price of 6,000 yuan / ton to 141,000 yuan / ton, barrels small increase of 4,000 yuan / ton to 136,200 yuan / ton;

Jinchuan into August at the end of July after the price increases after the last day of the week and can not wait to once again raised the price twice in a row and reached the second highest price rises this year: 6K I always think this is the pressure of Jinchuan's second half performance and retaliatory losses rose last year, there is no market price, but then dropped it earlier this year of more than 80,000 can not, and gone Yeah, you wait and see!

Yangtze colored spot today (8Months4Date,Tuesday) or up to 6250 pieces of nickel, 14.5 million, raised three times to start crazy, the people of Wenzhou Ni Tun smiled.

Because the hot money inflows and domestic liquidity speculation, copper and nickel aluminum, cobalt, manganese, lead, although the lack of demand for non-ferrous metal support, but was a technical rebound, to keep up with Shanghai index is similar to the material associated with this column, such as triple and copper aluminum foil aluminum foil to back up lead acid was the trend.

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