Wednesday, February 23, 2011

There is life, online, after Microsoft Word (II): Word vs. online word processors

There is life, online, after Microsoft Word (II): Word vs. online word processors

Why use an online word processor? Does Microsoft Word is losing steam and wrinkle the dress against your opponents online? Responding to the first question is easy: "Just because"since the second: "No, but it has been the batteries, but are not on sale in kiosks better"(this is already clear below ... tun "knock, knock, knock, knock, knock ....)

But seriously. Do not you quite curious to try some of these online word processors? Sure, but if you've never dared, we will help you take the plunge, no big deal. Now, argue about whether Microsoft Word is being played the title favorite word processor, not the skin or not, because I do not think your question is timely. Okay, I admit that I'm the one that raised but the first thing that comes to mind talking about it. I think the online word processors play in another league, but it is true that they have come to stay and take a good part of "regular users cake" that Word still holds with suspicion in the pantry.

Still, online word processors have not come to replace Microsoft Word, at least for more complex editing work such as editing a book, creating a thesis and, ultimately, any job that requires advanced editing and / or high demands in terms of layout, automation by running macros, and others. On the other hand, offer an excellent alternative for those seeking a lightweight solution to create dynamic documents in a team, with collaborators all over the world, and in the spotlight of rigorous live, edit and comment on the changes instantly and real time, this is his greatest asset. Let us summarize what are the advantages and disadvantages of online word processors compared to Microsoft Word and, therefore, from any desktop word processor that boasts ...


* Do not install anything, create an account and forget about everything, complex and tedious process of downloading and installation, where all you need is an account and a web browser, the one you like, is the widespread Internet Explorer (not I hear a single boo ... even a distant chirping of tension!), or his closest contender Firefox (foxes to power!), Safari, Camino, Konqueror, and many others. Count to ten, is preparing a latte and return, I have just done. Moreover, the absence of installation means that upgrades come with just refresh the web browser, without having to buy or download the new version, it also means that those same updates will come more quickly to our desktop.

* Do not bring up documents, wherever you go you're expecting. Yes, not having anything installed on your computer, it will not be necessary to save documents to your hard drive or a USB key. No, these are stored securely online and instantly, without having to raise the little finger and accessed from any PC or Mac, as long as it has a web browser installed and an Internet connection, of course.

* Windows, Mac or Linux, does not matter. Point follows this point: no matter what OS you use, you can always access and edit your documents without fear that apprehension of "is it compatible with my word processor, I heard that the DOC not seen on Mac?"No way, universal on all four sides, here there is only one format, which means any web browser ... then we will decide in what format to export.

* CTRL + G, CTRL + G, CTRL + G, that I caught the blackout ... the explosive death of the hard drive, the unexpected failure of system instability, or the finger trick of closing the document without wanting to ... Oops! Have I been? So many years lost the fear of anything blue screen will be served, we are still working without a net, ie without enabling the option to automatically copy the document open, every x minutes. This does not happen online, a snapshot backup is done with each change made.

* Unleash your creativity, the writing process is completely dynamic to create backups that will quickly become versions of a document. Do not cross a line, delete a whole paragraph, not lame fear and replaces one word for another ... you can always compare different versions of a document. Best of all is that this system is not incompatible with simultaneous editing of several collaborators.

* Leave singular issue, edit the plural. They say two heads are better than one, that the more the better. It is true, especially when it comes to brainstorming. On the other hand, most of the editing comes to the fore a feared and hated character: the reviewer in charge of editing, provide ideas and stop disturbing notes in the margins. They can also be one or more employees and members of a team. The fact is that online word processors divinely provided this interesting form of simultaneous editing, much like the whiteboard, either through comments or chat, either while editing a document, seeing your screen is updated with changes made by others ... awesome!


* Limited benefits, ... and they say, have remained at the level of Word back in 2003! Despite many virtues pointed to their record, they are still basic word processing, with no or very few forays into of the advanced features, such as might be the use of a powerful macro language, sophisticated controls for creating tables or the wider use of styles and formats, drawing tools integration, flexibility in layout and design templates or absent, or present a somewhat watered down online version. But now the question is ... do you really need so many features?

* Return linked to the bandwidth, making our connection at the nerve center that controls our sense of slowness or, conversely, for speed in use, although this point loses strength due to the standardization of ADSL in half the world ... and Web 2.0 technologies, meaning that its functionality is based on technologies that, while not exactly new (HTML CSS, Ajax, JavaScript, Flash, etc.) themselves are in their infancy in terms of their deployment, prompting a new attitude to software , software as a service. We have not tamed this stage, so far only explored ... not that I have a lot of weight, is more a matter of perception of the environment.

* Is our privacy at risk? "Admittedly, we like to get paranoid when it comes to digital freedom, open the Pandora's box and the trolls flood the forums but ... really dangerous? On the Internet, everything is known and our private lives lost ground. Today, we create our digital identity through social networks such FaceBook, while dozens of other services, have in their records. The question is ... "server hosted leave confidential documents outside my company? Are we to trust the privacy practices that offer these services online? You yourself, but cases like the AOL and MySpace are being questioned.

* No customization or cut. This is a greater or lesser extent it does not affect all online word processors alike: some do not offer any possibility to define margins, headers and footers, custom design document (web, reading layout, Print, etc..), others lack keyboard shortcuts, frames, backgrounds, ... For now, they are no match for Word weight in the field of personalization of the documents but, as I said above, they are solved. Keep in mind that are still in the awkward age, but have dynamic updates, allowing them to rectify the shooting on the fly, as has recently made Google Docs to implement keyboard shortcuts.

* Is an online service, no software installed, resulting in a number of different constraints, for example, the maximum size allowed for online documents (up to 500 KB for Google Docs), the embedded image formats (up to 2 MB for Google Docs), available storage space (limited to 1 GB in the case of buzzword), the activation of cookies or JavaScript, or need to install technologies such as Flash, or simply the need to be connected to the Internet.

In short, it should top the box noting that in reality things are not as simple as they seem, let us not be intoxicated by the excitement the first time. The boundaries between advantages and disadvantages are also not well defined (which is essential for one can be a nuisance for another.) But yes, there are a few simple questions you should consider before making a decision:

* Should I use online alternatives to Word? depends on the situation: if you need to edit a document between collaborators scattered around the world, discuss and exchange ideas while you edit, the answer is "yes"if the same document requires the collaboration of one and access is limited to a single computer or if you need advanced features that do not offer these services online word processing, the answer is "no. "

* "The decisive factor is participatory? Yes, it's his strong point, of course. Word requires heavier machinery to collaborate on a document such as a SharePoint server, for example, that allows the creation of an online library, or use Messenger to talk and share ideas in groups, yes ... all the style Microsoft.

* I need something scalable, do you serve? For now, no. Mainly due to their limitations. If you start using Google Docs with the intention of carrying out the work of a thesis, it might be tiresome in the long run, lack of flexibility and other little things such as insert page breaks, change the orientation and size of the text, add diagrams , auto, etc. Not to mention something that today is totally absurd: edit online documents thousands of pages ...

* "User-friendly interface, complex, intuitive? Word offers a very complete interface yet complex, which may frighten the novice user, but with which veterans feel at ease. The Word learning curve is long and tedious, but once you have assimilated, knows better. In contrast, online text tools are more accessible, easy to use and dynamic, to a greater or lesser extent. Armas a document and ... to work!

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