Thursday, July 8, 2010

HDMI products receive meaningful logos

HDMI products receive meaningful logos

Instead of the version containing the new labels specific features dell vostro 1700 battery. This is to help consumers such as the selection of a suitable cable. Manufacturers may also no longer advertise with the version numbers.

The authority responsible for licensing the HDMI HDMI Licensing organization has unveiled new logos for HDMI cables that will be introduced with the release of the specification 1.4. The labels are to consumers about the ease of selecting appropriate cable to their device.

Instead of the HDMI version number contain the new logo a brief description, what is the product dell vostro 1710 battery. Thus, customers must check not only cumbersome as to which includes HDMI version which functions.

The recently published guidelines for the brand of HDMI Licensing Use (PDF) share an HDMI cable into five categories: Besides the "standard HDMI" cable is there a version with Ethernet. "Standard Automotive HDMI" cable suitable for installation in vehicles. The type "HDMI High Speed" and "HDMI with High Speed Ethernet" support the new specification 1.4, which among other things allows higher data rates.

With the immediate introduction of the new guidelines may not use cable manufacturer on packaging, labels or in their advertising the HDMI version. Manufacturers of other products have HDMI for conversion by 1 January 2012 period.

When products come with HDMI 1.4 in the trade is still unclear. The first devices will be presented at the Consumer Electronics Show 2010 in Las Vegas.

The new HDMI logo will help consumers to find a suitable cable to their device (image: HDMI Licensing).

Via: HDMI products receive meaningful logos